The Castle Restaurant

Hotel Zámek Velká Bystřice nabízí prostornou restauraci s venkovní zahrádkou a privátní salonek.

Pro větší společnosti nabízíme i 3 sály – Malý sál, Divadelní sál s pódiem a velký Společenský sál.

The Castle Restaurant

Hotel Zámek Velká Bystřice offers a spacious restaurant with an outdoor seating and a private lounge. For larger companies, we also offer 3 halls – the Small Hall, the Theater Hall with a stage and the large Social Hall.

With a normal layout, there are 60 seats available in the restaurant and 40 seats in the adjacent lounge. Children are welcome here, highchairs are available.

The castle restaurant is currently open daily from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. For private events of more than 15 people, the opening hours are adjusted according to agreement and needs.

Reservation by phone: +420 585 351 451.

Today menu

Here is today's menu

The current MENU

  • The restaurant's opening hours for the public are from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

    We serve the lunch menu from Monday to Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

    You can find the current menu at (1) Hotel Zámek Velká Bystřice | Facebook

We look forward to your visit!



Monday – Sunday 7:30 to 28:00

January-February 7:00-18:00

for agreed events, operating hours as agreed

Reservation of accommodation and restaurant

+420 585 351 451

Hotel director

Tereza Dostálová Šromová

+420 724 863 920

© 2014 - 2025 All rights reserved - Hotel Zámek Velká Bystřice s.r.o.

IČ: 29444772, DIČ: CZ29444772

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